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Kristensen, B., Rasmussen, B. & B. Melgaard, (2001). GIS til beslutningsstøtte - udpegning af vådområder. Alternative løsningsforslag. M.Sc. thesis.  GeoInformatik. Aalborg Universitet, 2001. pp. 89.

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Kristensen, B. & R. Bødker, (2011). Nordic climate change: data for modeling vector borne diseases. Conference abstract. Presented at: 5th Annual Meeting EPIZONE, Arnhem.

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Bødker, Rene ; Kristensen, Birgit ; Græsbøll, Kaare ; Kirkeby, Carsten ; Stockmarr, Anders, (2011). R0-modeling as a tool for early warning and surveillance of exotic vector borne diseases in Denmark. Conference abstract. 5th Annual Meeting EPIZONE, Arnhem.

Bødker, Rene ; Kristensen, Birgit ; Græsbøll, Kaare ; Kirkeby, Carsten ; Skovgaard, Henrik ; Nielsen, Søren Achim. (2012). The impact of climate environment and control on Culicoides borne Schmallenberg virus. EDENext Annual Meeting, Izmir.

Bødker, Rene ; Kristensen, Birgit ; Græsbøll, Kaare ; Kirkeby, Carsten ; Skovgaard, Henrik ; Nielsen, Søren Archim, (2012). Emerging Schmallenberg and Bluetongue virus in Europe – what should we expect next?. Joint meeting of ECDC-funded networks ENIVD and VBORNET, Riga

Rasmussen, Lasse Dam ; Kristensen, Birgit ; Kirkeby, Carsten ; Rasmussen, Thomas Bruun ; Belsham, Graham ; Bødker, Rene ; Bøtner, Anette, (2012). Evidence for Culicoides obsoletus group as vector for Schmallenberg virus in Denmark
Conference abstract. 6th Annual Meeting EPIZONE, Brighton.

Rasmussen, L.D., Kristensen, B., Kirkeby, C., Rasmussen, T.B., Belsham, G.J., & R. Bødker, (2012). Culicoids as vectors of Schmallenberg virus [letter]. Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol 18, Number 7, 2012.

Rasmussen, Lasse Dam; Kristensen Birgit; Kirkeby, Carsten; Rasmussen, Thomas Bruun; Belsham, Graham; Bødker, Rene; Bøtner, Anette, (2012). Schmallenberg virus fundet i mitter i Danmark. Dansk Veterinaertidsskrift, Vol. 5, 2012, p. 45.

Undervisnings materiale

Network Engineer brugermanual. Opbygning af et bredbåndsnet med NE 5.0, NRGi Netservice, Horsens, 2009. pp. 116.

Ringenes Herre -et strategisk kampspil. En brugermanual til strategispillet Ringenes Herre komplet med illustrationer og diagrammer. 2001. pp. 17. Oversættelse efter Rick Priestly, Lord og the Rings, GamesWorkshop, Inc. 2001

Parasitiske Acaridae. Kursusmateriale i udvidet acarologi. IITA, Benin, 1994. pp.15.